Amazing milestone: 300 water pumps installed and still counting!
This week, Jordan Lewis Missions (JLM) reached a milestone, drilling our 300th water pump in the arid regions of Pakistan. Since we started drilling...

Pastor Ron speaks at Joshua Rowsey Celebration of Life
Although Joshua Rowsey's time with us was far too brief—only 32 years—his impact was immeasurable. He made history through his life, his faith, and...

What Are You Thinking? Podcast
Today Lynette and I finally launched our video podcast, What Are You Thinking?. Listeners can find the podcast on Spotify and Apple, video is on YouTube, along with Alkarma TV (check out their app for viewing all shows.) We are deeply honored by the leaders of AlkarmaTV in giving us this platform to share our lives and the powerful stories of interviewees from around the world.

40th Year Celebration Video
Our full photo gallery from the evening is available here.

Reflecting on Forty Years
For this my 40th year of full-time ministry, one of the questions I keep getting is, “What’s it been like to be a church planter and pastor for so...

Good Deeds, Good News: The Gospel Follows the Water
Former United Nations Secretary, General Kofi Annan has said, “Access to safe water is a fundamental human need and, therefore, a basic human right....

From the front lines… Ukraine
As Ukraine withstands the onslaught of the Russian war machine, Pastor Tom Jackson and I speak with pastors on the front lines of this humanitarian...

How Do You Take a Bite out of the Big Apple with Pastor Sam Douglass
The answer is, one bite (house church, coffee shop gathering, neighborhood, apartment) at a time! Our strategic training for starting gospel...

He was killed for being a Christian…his name is Nitish
Every so often I receive a detailed story about a Christian leader who was martyred. It’s a sad part of my work, and it is never easy knowing that...

Launching a Book — The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful
Although I've written a couple of books and contributed to others, this book was unexpectedly special AND challenging! For the past three months,...